Always believe in yourself and always show gratitude. Do the work that fills you with joy, pride and excitement. Design a world where you allow yourself the freedom to express the true you. Have the courage to dare, dream and above all do. Want less.
Aim to spend quality time with friends and family. Vigorously defend yourself to people who love and trust you and the ones that don’t. Don't ever respond to negativity and make a note to steer clear of negative people. Know when to leave.
Have solutions for every problem. Remember that networking is about giving and sharing. More often than not what you get back is far more than you give. Practice public speaking and always remember that the audience doesn’t want you to fail. Make notes. Keep lists and records of what you mean to get done - read and write more. Always be adding to lists like this one.
Ask lots of questions. Then ask even more and make them better and better. Always learn from your mistakes and stay teachable. Find a mentor. Remember you don’t need a title to lead.
Be as healthy as you can - on the outside and the inside. Stay curious. Be happy. Be positive. Be fearless. Be kind to yourself. Enjoy the journey.
Most importantly. Have courage.